Northants Knights American Football

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Knights' Macron kit unveiled ahead of season opener

As a club we are striving to continually improve our operation, and we did that by partnering with Macron for them to become our official technical partner.

Read more about our partnership with Macron

We're now excited to unveil our Macron player packs for the upcoming season, with our new partnership giving us a unified look.

Dan Harding, club social media manager, said: "Not only have Macron been incredibly helpful throughout the process but have been a joy to work with, coming to our session meeting the players and building a great relationship.

"You will catch the team in their new swag pre-game and in training, and probably in their local Tesco because they don’t want to take it off!"

If you want to support the team in the Knights colours, click here to visit our online store.

Want to come along to one of our games in 2021? Click here to see our schedule.